Pay Attention to What You Focus on

This is, by far, the worst crap, er, crop I’ve ever grown. Frickin' spider mites come back every three days. I've hit them will sulfur, and organic sprays that won't hurt the delicate THC crystals growing within. But still the yellow specks remain and all I want to do is take a firehose to the plants and wash them away. But there’s carpet under that visqueen, and wallpaper behind that sheetrocked wall. I have no firehose. It’s obvious to any grower that I didn’t provide enough nutrients during vegetative growth. The girls are tall and skinny, gangly in appearance. They bent and fall over – like druken soriety sisters.t. Part of me is angry with myself for letting this happen, “I should have raised them better.” But just like anything, including children, if you take your eyes of them for a minute, all hell beaks loose. Whatever you pay attention to, gets the most focus. Lately I’ve been too distracted working with industry people trying to find their way under...