Adventures at Olympia Hempfest
I'm not sure how many joints we
smoked on the way to Olympia Hempfest, but we got lost on the way there. There
were plenty of parking spaces at the Heritage Park Apartments - but no people. Stupid GPS didn't
know we were going to the 10th Anniversary of Olympia Hempfest at Heritage Park, about a half mile up (or
down?) the road.

The first booth we stopped at
was for I-584, a new voter referendum that would decriminalize home growing and
sharing of our sweet cannabis. The guy running this booth, Jared Allaway, also
does the "Marijuana is Safer than Alcohol" t-shirts. It makes my
heart warm to see activism in progress - think global, act local, you
modern-day hippies!
I made new friends with
dispensary owners, delivery service providers, pipe vendors, and tie-dye and
t-shirt guys. We even ran into a crazy guy filming for his public access tv
show, and possibly a documentary on the Washington marijuana reform movement. We
stopped to share our views, and left half-hoping that we made the evening news.
Unfortunately for my stoner
friends and me, there was no pot for sale at Olympia Hempfest. Boo! I still imagine a world where you can
walk up to any vendor booth, sample their goods, and purchase at will - just
like regular farmers markets who sell produce. Squeeze before you buy. Yes
please! A girl can dream anyway...

The three of us take a break under
the shade of a nearby tree and recap our day’s adventure. Sitting next to the
calm lake, in the shadow of our state's capitol building, smoking marijuana - I
really wonder, can life get any better than this?
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