And So It Begins…A Legal Marijuana Industry Is Born

Today’s the day Washington State takes applications for legalized, for profit, marijuana businesses. It seems like only yesterday I was closing the blinds, hiding my pot smoking-turned-growing bud business. We didn’t even dare mention the word Pot in any cell phone conversation. “Can I get some ‘salad’?’” my friends would ask. Now its “I want an ounce of that deep purple sticky-icky.” Some of Seattle’s Leading MJ Brand – including Cannabis Basics, Sativa Valley, Wicked Wicks, Ettalew’s, Kush Creams, Evergreen Herbal, Vita Verde, Have a Heart, Fweedom, Dope Magazine, Patient2Patient and Hempfest Central. Now I tell any barista that asks that I’m headed to a meeting of potreprenuers. I’ve updated my social and professional networks to include my work in the world of weed . I was shocked when I asked a friend to join me in this endeavor, he said he couldn’t tell his parents, or his kids, what he’d be doing. “You gotta come out of the pot closet,” I said, “o...