Hempy 2014!

I started 2013 with a basement full of weed and an empty bank account. I don’t know of any Seattle growers that actually got rich from growing pot this year. I think a lot of us unemployed corporate types who were laid off saw the opportunity to work for ourselves until the state could figure out what to do with the future of medical and voter approved recreational pot. A year later, the future of medical marijuana in Washington State is still tenuous. I have personally witnessed healing in people who use cannabis as medicine and I think it’s a crime that providers have been thrown in jail for helping others. Cannabis IS medicine and we have a God-given right to have access to it. Dispensary “donations” were my main source of income in 2013. I make half of what I used to back in my VC-funded days, but I don’t care. Money is not it. Helping people, and loving what you do on a daily basis where it’s at, man. The meaning of life is to be of service to others. ...