
Showing posts from May, 2015

Bill Levin, Minister of Love for the First Church of Cannabis talks to M...

The first of an exclusive two-part interview with Indiana's Bill Levin, the Minister of Love for the First Church of Cannabis. MJNN's David Rheins goes back home to Indiana to talk to the controversial Cannabitarian.  

The Week In Weed 5/26/15 @TwiceBakedinWA & David Rheins

Marijuana Channel One is a creation of MJBA Publishing. All rights are reserved. For more information, contact us at: #mjnewsMarijuana Channel One is a creation of MJBA Publishing. All rights are reserved. For more information, contact us at: #mjnews

Giving Up the Grow

Man, I can't believe it's been so long since I last wrote in this thing. I'm not the same person, doing the same thing. Everything has changed - my job, my home, my waisteline. I’ve given up my entire basement grow operation, and moved out of my house so I can be closer to the 'office'. Thankfully my son is there to pay the mortgage and feed the cat, who I left behind to watch over him and his new roommates. He didn’t want to take over the family business, in favor of being a landlord, because its easier, and beer pong is more fun with humans than plants. Since I've taken a day job in cannabis, I realize now ALL the people in this industry are nuts. I guess you have to be in order to change the world, and other peoples' perspectives on cannabis, plus they're all medicated for a reason . (Yo, kettle!) Sometimes we're our own worst enemy, with the douchiest of douchebags still trying to ruin it for everyone from the inside out, egos always interrup...